Wednesday 12 December 2007

Day 2 in Barcelona

I make my way down to the casino just after the Liverpool match is over, and we tank Marsielle 4-0 and they never got a sniff of the ball. Great result for a change by the Pool. So got to the Casino about 10.45pm and went downstairs to the Poker Room to see what action was happening.

A bit of joy a different Poker Room manager was on, a female - who was drop dead gorgeous. There was 2 tables going 1) €20-€40 FL 2) €5-€10 PLO. And there were 7 names down for €2-€5 NL, and I pulled the Poker Room manager over to put my name down, and asked her when the table would open. She said it will go ahead once 10 players have there names down, which was good news before I even got started. So off I went as usual to have my dinner, me being very fussy and not very risky on the food front - had yet another steak.

Once I finished my dinner, I dandered over to see what was happening and the table was just being opened. I bought in for €300 to see how the table was playing etc. first of all and we were off and running. I had an American fella to the right of me who didn´t shut his mouth for 1sec, a loud texan who could speak fluent Spanish due to the fact that he lived so close to the Mexican border in his day. I also had a couple of Stuggart fans who were over for the match and thought they could play a bit of poker - total donks. As well as some other horrendous players and the odd decent one. Anyway i´ll keep it short and sweet as i´m about to get my taxi for the Airport home here in 10mins.

I was involved in 3 key hands during the course of the night. First one being early days, I had KJd, called €20 from the SB and 4 of us went to the flop. Flop came down Qd 6d 4d, I checked expecting some action behind me. Check, Check, Check. (sigh) Turn came down 9c

I lead out on the turn for €40, and got 2 callers. River came down a 5s and I bet out €80 hoping for a call or two and giving them the right odds to make the call. Fold and a call and I was happy to take a couple of hundred Euro early doors and it give me a bit of confidence to build on.

So I´m now sitting with over €500 and I get dealt Ah Kc on the button, 5 limpers in and I make it €30, BB calls, and 2 other limpers make the call (including the yank), flop comes Kd 6h 5h and they all check around. I bet €70 into the €120 pot, and they all folded except the yank who didn´t hesitate and moved in for around €160 which I called instantly and said to him flush draw and he said yes, and cheered when he seen a heart hit the turn, but didn´t cheer so loudly when another heart hit the river to give me the Nut Flush.

...and finally my 3rd main hand of involvement was the hand of the night for me. I´m sitting with around €780 and look down to see Ax Ax UTG and make it €25, 2 callers and a Finnish guys make it €100, I hesitate for a minute or two and decide to make it €375, he flat calls immediately and has about €1k behind him. Flop comes Qx 9x 8x and I move all-in and he calls instantly and turns over K K and thankfully the turn & river were no help to him! ...phew :) So there you have it my biggest pot in live poker history - €1,590 (minus the scandless €20 rake which is mental) everytime a pot reaches €500+

After I scooped that pot I shut up shop for about an hour rarely getting involved and ended up cashing out €1,430. Which meant I was €1,130 up for the sesson and on top of last night's €815 profit it was a surreal 2 days of poker making €1,945 in the process and managed to test myself out at both Hold'em / Omaha. I still don't think it has sunken in yet. I didn't make any extravagant moves, just bided my time - played my hands aggressively and my cards held up - I couldn't ask for much more.

...and not a bad omen for my 1st time being in a casino, hopefully my 1st of many successful nights to come.


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